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Rear Left Hose for NISSAN PATROL III 3.3 TD (SD33T) - specifications

  • Body No: 160
  • Eng. Vol: 3300TD
  • Eng. No: SD33T
  • Production: 1983--
NumberBrandDescriptionLDim 'А'Len 'A'Dim 'B'Len 'B'
Brake Hose FT0454 (K&K)FT0454K&K
OEM: 46211G9703
438M10x1 (int.) DF10M10x112
How to measure a brake hose
  • L - hose length, mm
  • Dim 'А' - thread size 'A'
  • Len 'A' - thread length 'A', mm
  • Dim 'B' - thread size 'B'
  • Len 'B' - tyread length 'B', mm
  • Fig.

Brake Hoses for NISSAN PATROL III 3.3 TD (SD33T)

Brake Hoses


Front Left Hose C81011
Front Right Hose C81011
Rear Left Hose FT4689
Rear Right Hose FT4689



Front Left Hose FT3613
Front Left Hose FT3608
Front Right Hose FT3613
Front Right Hose FT3608
Central brake hose FT4788
Rear Left Hose FT0454
Rear Left Hose FT4689
Rear Left Hose FT3609
Rear Right Hose FT0454
Rear Right Hose FT4689
Rear Right Hose FT3609


Front Left Hose FT3613
Front Left Hose FT3608
Front Right Hose FT3613
Front Right Hose FT3608
Central brake hose FT4788
Rear Left Hose FT0454
Rear Left Hose FT4689
Rear Left Hose FT3609
Rear Right Hose FT0454
Rear Right Hose FT4689
Rear Right Hose FT3609