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Spare parts for TOYOTA RAV 4 IV 2.0 D 4WD (1ADFTV)

  • Body No: ALA41
  • Eng. Vol: 2000TD
  • Eng. No: 1ADFTV
  • Production: 2013--

Parts list

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Part group name
year when the part was installed (example: from 2008--)options (example: +ABS - for cars with ABS)Part namepart numberAdditional description or characteristics

Grenades And Drive

CV joint inner right G72025

Pgb, Sets

Head Gasket 11115-26051

Hub Bearings

Front Wheel Bearing Kit H12052
Rear Wheel Bearing Kit H22092


Intake Manifold Gasket 17171-0R010
Exhaust Manifold Gasket 17173-0R010

Engine Seals

Rear crankshaft oil seal 90311-W0006
Oil Scraper Intake 90913-02124
Oil Scraper Outlets 90913-02124

Transmission Seals

Transfer case oil seal 90311-35056

Brake Discs And Drums

Front Brake Disc C32198
Front Brake Disc C32154