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Spare parts for TOYOTA SIENNA III 3.5 4WD (2GRFE)

  • Body No: GSL35
  • Eng. Vol: 3500I 16V
  • Eng. No: 2GRFE
  • Production: 2010--

Parts list

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Part group name
year when the part was installed (example: from 2008--)options (example: +ABS - for cars with ABS)Part namepart numberAdditional description or characteristics

Nuts, Wheel Studs


Wheel stud 90942-02049

Belt Tensioners

Tension roller 16620-31040

Shrus Boots

Boot inner left CV joint 04438-08130
Boot inner right CV joint 04438-08130

Engine Seals

Front crankshaft oil seal N12001


Spark plug DENSO FK20HR11

Ignition System

Ignition Coil 90919-02255

Brake Discs And Drums

Front Brake Disc C32198

Brake Pads

Front Disc Pads C12135ABE
Rear Disc Pads C22042ABE


Oil Filter B12020
Air Filter 17801-31130
Cabin filter B42013